Korsuorkesteri – Finnish songs from the War Years

Korsuorkesteri 15-year anniversary concert in 2005
Korsuorkesteri is a Finnish band that plays 1950s and 1960s dance music as well as the war-time songs of World War 2, performing about 170 gigs a year. The band’s most recent efforts are the popular Korsuhartaus church concerts. Korsuorkesteri was founded in February 1990 when Pepe Kovanen arranged a special dance program to perform war-time songs with the group aiming for authenticity in instruments and costumes. Thus was born Korsuorkesteri.
Their audiences liked what they saw and heard and the group grew in popularity, with people booking them for all kinds of small and larger occasions. In 1991 after public demand they recorded their first Album, Muistelo (Reminiscences) and in early 1992 they made a memorable trip to Lake Worth, Florida, where Korsuorkesteri conquered the hearts of Finnish immigrants. The following year, they recorded the CD Kannaksen poikia (Isthmus Boys) at a professional recording studio and in 1994 their participation in the Finnish dance orchestra championships brought the band national attention.
In 1994 year the band returned to America and were again very popular. In the same year Korsuorkesteri participated in the Finnish Dance Orchestra Championships and won! After the victory, Audiovox Records signed them up for a record label deal. The ball thenstarted rolling for the group, and has not stopped to this day! Their albums have reached gold on the Finnish charts a number of times and they have won many Finnish awards. A new album, Maastoudutaan, was released in the spring of 1996, following which they performed in concert with the Vantaa Pops Orchestra and in the autumn in a similar concert with the Lappeenranta City Orchestra.
Korsuorkesteri began 1997 with a new album, Vartiossa (On Guard) which reached Gold. They were playing about 200 gigs a year and the car meter was running at about 90 000 km per year as they drove around Finland. The 1998 year was spent touring land in the autumn they carried out the bands long-term dream of their own concert tour, called Ilta Kannaksella (from the Isthmus). The guest soloist performing with the band was the charming singer Kristiina Mäki.
1999 began with changes to the band membership, and in January they performed only on weekends – during the week, the new men were “run in”. At the same time the band chose and practiced new songs for an upcoming album. On tour that year the bands guest soloist was tango singer Kaija Pohjola. Kaija left a lasting memory with a poignant interpretation of Veikko Lavi’s song, Evakon. The year 2000 began solemnly with the 10-year anniversary of Korsuorkesteri and a concert held in Imatra at which were present almost all Korsuorkesteri members and soloists over the years. Tunes from the original line-up were played and the concert ended with all members of the group performing Sillanpää’s march song. In autumn 2000 came another concert tour called Korsuorkesteri 10 vuotta Etulinjassa (Korsuorkesteri – 10 years in the front line). The guest soloist for this tour was young singer Heli Kajaste.
Through 2001 the band played at individual concerts indeed held, such as the UN Day concert in October in Mikkeli, often with guest vocalist Kaija Pohjola. Dance Gigs continued unabated. In 2002 the band performed at the Turku Concert Hall as well as at the one centennial anniversary of the birth of George Malmstén. 2003 continued similarly and then in 2004 the band released the dance music CD Muistot vain jää (Memories still).
2005 was started by two 15-year anniversary concerts at the Imatra Cultural Centre, guests were singers Risto Nevala, Hilkka Mäkitalo ja Pertti Keihäs. They also, as in previous years, played on cruise ships and ferries to Stockholm. The Lapland Soikoon show in the summer was also a large success. At the end of the year they also released a Christmas album, presenting both traditional and more contemporary songs. The guest soloist was Katja Nykänen. The year 2007 saw no less than two albums, a compilation album in the spring (on the front line) and at the end of the year Korsuorkesteri raatteentie.
Over the last few years the band has performed the popular Korsuhartaus Church concerts and from May to September plays at Summer dance gigs. In the winter they perform at dance houses and restaurants. In Spring and Winter, they often perform for ski and ski holidaymakers in Lapland. Their annual gig calendar is now about 170 gigs.
Members of the band have come and gone over the years – current musicians are Pepe Kovanen (born. 1951, plays guitar, vocals), the only founding musician of Korsuorkesteri who remains with the group. Ami Varjotie (born. 1947) has been with the band since 2002. Jarmo Peippo (born. 1973, Drums ) has been involved in since 2002. Kalevi Hautamäki (born. 1959, accordion, keyboards) and involved in since 1995. Markku Juoksukangasborn (born 1954, plays the Bass) joined in September 2010.
Korsuorkesteri has released 13 full-length CD’s, as well as a few single-recordings and individual songs. In addition, they have played as background musicians with many other artists’ records. Their latest album, in April 2009 was the album Korsuorkesteri Abbey Roadilla, which the band recorded in London at the Abbey Road Studios.
Below, you’ll find a sampling of their songs – and if you’re in Finland, they are an entertaining group well worth tracking down and listening too. You can find their website here (note that the website is unfortunately in Finnish only).
Elämää juoksuhaudoissa (Life in the Trenches) – Korsuorkesteri
Sillanpään Marssilaulu (Sillanpääs March Song) – Korsuorkesteri
Veteraanin Iltahuuto (Veterans’ Last Call) – Korsuorkesteri
Kaunis Lotta – Korsuorkesteri
Korsuorkesteri Imatralla (Korsuorkesteri concert, Imatra, 2012)